NTT Solmare Corp. Приложения

Shall we date?:Never Look Back 1.3.1
NTT Solmare Corp.
A new story from the “Shall we date?"series“Shall we date?: Never Look Back” is now available!The challenging path to the underworld! Who will you end up with?Important! Please read.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This app is recommended using Android 2.3.4 or later.- This app may infrequently restart due to a system error.- Some parts of graphics occasionally does not appear in theapp.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Story IntroductionTogether with 3 young men, you (a protagonist) are on a rescuemission to save a kidnapped princess from the underworld. Along theway, there are random challenges in front of you… These challengesmake you discover many things, including the love of yourlife...2. Features1) Set in the mythical underworld2) Players decide their love of endings3) Beautiful still graphics
Shall we date?: 닌자의유혹 1.2.0
NTT Solmare Corp.
“아무것도 두려워하지 말고 나에게 널 맡겨…착하지?”매혹적인 닌자들과 사랑의 감정을 숨긴채 떠나야 하는 로맨틱 어드벤쳐…닌자 세계에서 생존이 달린 위험한 전투를 승리시키고 매력 가득한 닌자들 사이에서 당신 만의 진정한 사랑을 찾아내세요!!“Shall we date? 닌자의 유혹”은 일본의 역사적인 혼돈기를 배경으로 한 소설 형식의 로맨스 시뮬레이션게임입니다. 절에서 평범한 생활을 하던 당신은 어느날 갑자기 찾아온 멋진 닌자들로부터 그들의 운명을 거머쥔 숨겨진공주라는 사실을 듣게 됩니다. 놀라움도 잠시, 당신은 숨가쁘게 전개되는 전투의 현장에서 승리하여 닌자 세계를 구하는동시에 뿌리 칠 수 없이 매혹적인 닌자의 사랑도 얻어 내야 합니다. 삶과 죽음을 가르는 전투 가운데 치명적인 사랑의감정을 느낄 수 있는 기회를 절대 놓치지 마세요!!=== 특징 ===* 새로 추가된 인물 – 오다 노부나가를 만나보세요. : 천하를 제패하려는 야심적인 인물. 이제 오다 가문의 지도자인노부노가와의 데이트를 즐길 수도 있습니다.* 본인의 아바타를 꾸미세요. : 아무도 거부할 수 없는 엣지있는 패션 아이콘으로 거듭날 수 있습니다.* 게임 속의 게임, 미니 게임을 만나보세요. : 적을 없앨 무기를 고르거나 매력 레벨을 올리기 위해 트레이닝을 하는등의 새로운 기능들이 추가 되었습니다.* 자신이 원하는 스토리 엔딩을 만들어 보세요. : 당신과 캐릭터 사이의 대화 선택에 따라 스토리의 엔딩이 달라지는구조가 게임에 흥미를 더합니다.* 다양한 캐릭터와 에피소드들을 거치며 수 많은 환상적인 모험을 즐길 수 있습니다.* 게임 곳곳에서 고화질의 사진과 메일들을 받아보세요!* 소셜 네트워크를 만드세요. : 다른 플레이어들을 초대해서 플레이어들 사이에 메세지를 주고 받을 수있습니다.* 미션들을 수행하고 가능한 많은 메달을 모아보세요!* 로그인만 해도 받을 수 있는 보너스에서부터 다양한 보너스들이 기다리고 있습니다.=== 리뷰 ===* 정말 최고네요!!!진짜 마음에 드는 게임이예요. 지금까지 해 본 게임 중에 최고예요. 해 보면 알겠지만, 별 5개 이상의게임이예요!* 재미가 끝이 없고 지루하지 않아요!!!평면적인 소설 로맨스가 아니고 다양한 기능들이 추가 되어 있어서 좋아요. 플레이어가 할 수 있는 것들이 많아서 끝까지몰입할 수 있게 해주니까요.=== 페이스 북 ===“Shall We Date?” 시리즈를 위한 페이스 북을 방문해 보세요. 게임에 관한 새로운 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.(영어 페이지)주의===이 게임은 한국어로 표시됩니다."Do not be afraid ofanything ... nice of you leave me?"Ninja enchanting romantic adventure without having to leave thehidden feelings of love and ...Win a dangerous battle with survival in the ninja world and findyour own true love naeseyo among charm Ninja!"Shall we date? Temptation of the Ninja "is a romance novelformat of an historical simulation game chaos in Japan in thebackground. You will hear me was a normal life in the fact that oneday suddenly came geomeojwin their fate from the wonderful hiddenninja princess. Surprised a moment, you have to win at the scene ofthe battle that takes breath deployment must pay the fascinatingNinja loves to hit without roots at the same time to obtain theninja world. Absolutely do not miss the chance to feel the emotionof love, divides the fatal battle of life and death!=== Features ===* The new figures - Meet Oda Nobunaga. : Ambitious person you wantto conquer the world,. Now you can enjoy the dating of Oda clan'sleader, Nobu nogawa.* Decorate your own avatar. No one can be reborn as irresistibleedgy fashion icon.* Meet in games games, mini games. : Added some new features, suchas eliminating the enemies choose your weapon or to increase theattractiveness of the training level.* Feel the story ending they want. : Select dialog between you anddepending on the character structure of the ending of the storyvary more interested in the game.* You can enjoy the many fantastic adventures can undergo a varietyof characters and episodes.* Get high quality pictures and messages throughout the game!* Create a social network. : To invite other players to send andreceive messages between the players.* Collect and carry out missions and many medals as possible!* Login million from the bonus will be waiting to receive a varietyof bonus.=== === Reviews* I'm awesome !!!It's a real favorite games. It's the best game so far this year.Looking to know, it's more than five per game!* There is no end of fun, I'm not boring !!!Not a good romance novel flat in a variety of functions have beenadded. Cause the things the player can give much can indulge allthe way.=== === FacebookVisit the Facebook for "Shall We Date?" Series. To read the newinformation about the game. (English page) === CautionThe game will be in Korean.
Shall we date?: 위자데스 하트+ 1.2.0
NTT Solmare Corp.
미국과 캐나다에서 공전의 대히트를 기록한 비주얼 노벨 게임!우주에서 가장 명예로운 마법사를 위한 학원, 게도날룬 왕립마법학원에 오신 걸 환영합니다!위자데스 하트+는 판타지와 모험, 연애물이 넘치는 학원물 비주얼 노벨 연애시뮬레이션 게임입니다!본 게임은 마법사를 육성하는 학원을 무대로, 플레이어가 ‘임시’ 학생 마법사로서 정식적으로 학원에 편입하기 위해 마법에대해 공부하고 마법도구를 사용거나 마법을 외울 수 있습니다. 또한 개성 풍부한 반 친구들과 기숙사 룸메이트, 선생님들과신기한 마수들을 만날 수도 있어요! 모험적이며 스릴만점인 스토리와 달콤한 로맨스, 가슴설레는 장면까지! 당신의 학원생활은틀림없이 재미있을거예요!학원에는 수수께끼가 있습니다. “비탄의 탑”과 연관된 에피소드는 엘리어스, 루카, 유키야 세 명의 메인 스토리를읽음으로써 모든 수수께끼가 밝혀지고 모든 진실을 알 수 있게 됩니다.그럼, 게도날룬 왕립마법학원에서 우리 다시 만나요!게임특징:* 게임은 기본 무료입니다! 게임 속에는, 게임을 더욱 즐길 수 있는 몇가지 유료 아이템이 준비되어 있습니다!* 다양한 남성 캐릭터들 중에서 당신이 마음에 든 캐릭터를 선택할 수 있습니다.* 각각 캐릭터마다 복수의 엔딩이 있습니다. 어느 엔딩에 도달할지는 게임 중의 선택지에 따라 변화됩니다.* 본 게임에서는 독창적인 게임 설정과 개념을 중심으로, 진지한 장면과 코믹한 장면이 매력적이고 생생하게 그려져있습니다.* 일본 애니메이션풍 일러스트를 즐길 수 있습니다!* 아바타 게임에서는 다양한 장식품과 아이템을 사용하여, 당신의 아바타를 멋지게 코스프레 할 수 있습니다! (게임이 마음에 들면 “좋아요!” 눌러주세요!) Solmare란?:본 게임에 관심을 가져 주셔서 감사드립니다! NTT Solmare는 일본의 비주얼 노벨, 연애 게임, 여성향 게임을세계를 향해 발신 하고자 하는 일본의 게임회사입니다. 위자데스 하트+는 저희 연애 게임시리즈 “Shall wedate?”중의 하나입니다. 위자데스 하트+ 게임을 즐겨주세요! 게임에 대한 소중한 의견도 기다리고 있겠습니다!Visual novel game ofall-time recorded the big hit in the United States and Canada!The most prestigious school for wizards in the universe,strangely nalrun Welcome to the Royal Magic Academy!Ouija Heart Death + is a fantasy and adventure, yeonaemul hakwonmulvisual novel full of romance simulation game!This game is a school for training as a wizard stage, players learnabout the magic to transfer to formally institute a 'temporary'student wizard, or you can use magic tools to memorize the spell.In addition, personality-rich classmates and dorm roommate, we alsomeet with teachers and novelties clutches! Challenging and sweetromance, heart throbbing to the scene with a thrilling story! Yourschool life is going to be fun no doubt! It has a mystery school. Episodes associated with "Tower ofGrief" is Elias, Lucca, yukiya by reading the main story all threeriddles are turning out to be able to tell the whole truth.Then, strangely magical nalrun we'll meet again at the RoyalAcademy!Game Features:* Game is a basic free! Ln the game, the game is ready to pay a fewmore items that you can enjoy!* You can select any character in mind from a variety of malecharacters.* There are multiple endings for each character. Will varydepending on the choices of the game seem to reach a certainending.* In the game, the game set around the original concept, a seriouscomic scenes and scenes are drawn attractive and lively.* You can enjoy Japanese anime-style illustration!The Avatar game - using a variety of ornaments and items can beyour avatar costume nicely! (game you like, "Okay!"press!) Solmare is?: Thank you for your interest in this game! NTT Solmare is aJapanese game company to originate a visual novel, Love Games,women face a game of Japan to the world. Ouija Heart Death + is ourlove game series "Shall we date?" One of. Death Ouija Heart + Enjoythe game! I look forward also valuable input for the game!
Ninja Shadow Shall we date? 1.8.7
NTT Solmare Corp.
Ninja Otome Game "Shall we date?"! Dating with Ikemen Ninjas!
Guard me, Sherlock! - otome 1.8.2
NTT Solmare Corp.
Beautiful dating sim illustrations and captivating Otome gamemusic.
Lost Alice - otome sim game 1.8.1
NTT Solmare Corp.
Beautiful dating sim illustrations and captivating Otome gamemusic.
Shall we date?: 恋忍者戦国絵巻+ 恋愛ゲーム 1.3.2
NTT Solmare Corp.
時は戦国、時代を影からあやつる“忍び”と“あなた”の甘く激しい恋物語。世界中の女子たちが夢中になっている大人気・恋愛ゲームここに見参!!戦国時代を舞台にした重厚なラブストーリーが、あなたの胸をキュンキュンさせます! ―ある日、突然目の前に現れたイケメン忍者たち。忍者を束ねる一族の姫であることを告げられた“あなた”は、忍者の抹殺をかかげる織田信長と忍びの死闘に巻き込まれることに。そして…命をかけた激しい闘いの中で、運命に導かれるように恋に落ちていく……。 【ゲームに登場する人気キャラクター】 ◆霧隠才蔵(甲賀忍者/イジワルでドSな忍者) 「お前…それ、意味わかって言ってんのか? 俺以外の男に言うんじゃねーぞ」 ◆石川五右衛門(伊賀忍者/モテモテのエリート忍者) 「寒いんだから、もっと俺のそばに来い ……何にもしねーよ、バーカ」◆風魔小太郎(風魔党/情を捨てた孤高の忍者) 「あなたを守り抜くことが私の役目です。そのためなら、いつでも命を捨てる覚悟はあります…」 ―そして、ついに!敵キャラクターの“織田 信長”を攻略キャラとして追加!― ◆織田信長(織田軍/荒ぶる魂を抱える戦国屈指の武将) 「俺の嫁になる女が いつまでも山猿では末代までの恥だろう?」  【世界中の女子達の声】◆アメリカ:ストーリーが良くて、キャラクターもみんなキュート!色んな恋愛ゲームをしたけど、Shall wedate?シリーズを1番オススメするな。甘いシーンは、顔から湯気が出ちゃう!◆シンガポール:最高!絵がとても綺麗で、ストーリーもすごく凝ってる!これ以上、何を望むのかしら? 【恋愛ゲーム"恋忍者"の特徴】1.恋する“彼”はお客様が選択:4人の異なる魅力を持つ男性の中から、お客様自身がこのストーリーの中で恋をする相手を選ぶことができます。本恋愛ゲームでは、新しく追加されたキャラクター・最大の敵である織田信長との許されない恋愛もお楽しみ頂けます。2.基本プレイ無料: 無料でイケメン忍者との恋愛を進めて頂けます。あなたのお気に入りの“彼”を見つけて下さい。3.複数のエンディング:お客様がゲームの中で選択した行動によって、物語のエンディングが変わります。“彼”との甘いエンディングを目指しましょう!4.美しいイラスト: 大人気の作家による華やかでクオリティーの高いイラストをお楽しみ頂けます。 5.美しい音楽:BGMがストーリーをよりスリリングにロマンチックに盛り上げます。 6.あなたの分身(アバター)を楽しくコーディネート:130点以上の装飾アイテムで、可愛いアバターを作ってお楽しみ頂けます! 【あらすじ】 戦乱の世と呼ばれる時代。そんな時代にあっても、お寺の住職の孫として平穏に暮らしていた私の前に、ある日突然忍者が現れる。『天下統一を目指す織田信長は、目障りな我ら忍びを滅ぼそうとしています。信長を止めなければ、忍びに未来はありません。そして、あなたは我々の最後の希望……』私は忍術源流の一族の血を受け継ぎ、伊賀・甲賀・風魔・服部の忍者たちの結束の象徴、忍びの姫であることが告げられる。『えぇ―――っっ?!』 頭の整理が追いつかないまま、私の目の前にはイケメン忍者が勢ぞろいする。そして、優秀な忍者たちから1人を選んで、忍者結束の地である伊賀に共に向かうことに!!何の決意もないまま旅に出ることになった私は、危険なその道中で幾多の困難を乗り越えながら次第に“彼”と心を通わせていく―。 【注意】本恋愛ゲームは日本語での表示となります。
Shall we date?: 恋忍者◆愛と欲望の平安乱舞+ 1.2.2
NTT Solmare Corp.
『そんな赤い顔をして…ダメだとは言わせない』 突然の記憶喪失…イケメン忍者があなたを救う。 記憶が戻った時、あなたと彼の運命は…?世界300万人が恋をした、恋愛ゲーム"Shall we date?"シリーズの最新作! 時は、平安の終わり。記憶を失くし、戦場で倒れていた私の前にあらわれた男性。 彼に拾われた私は戦の渦中に身を置くことになり!?みんなが求める「三種の神器」とはいったい? 源平合戦のウラに隠されたヒミツと禁断の恋絵巻。 【恋愛ゲーム"恋忍者"の特徴】1.恋する“彼”はお客様が選択:異なる魅力を持つイケメン忍者の中から、お客様自身がこのストーリーの中で恋をする相手を選ぶことができます。2.基本プレイ無料:無料でイケメン忍者との恋を進めて頂けます。あなたのお気に入りの“彼”を見つけて下さい。 3.複数のエンディング:お客様がストーリーの中で行った選択によって、恋愛のエンディングが変わります。“彼”との甘いエンディングを目指しましょう!4.美しいイラスト:大人気の作家による華やかでクオリティーの高いイラストをお楽しみ頂けます。5.彼の相棒を楽しくコーディネート:100点以上の装飾アイテムで、可愛いアバターを作ってお楽しみ頂けます!
Story Jar - Otome dating game
NTT Solmare Corp.
The only thing you'll have to worry about is getting your handstuck in our Jar!
Moe! Ninja Girls RPG: Sexy Shinobi Happenings 1.5.1
NTT Solmare Corp.
The hit game "Moe! Ninja Girls," with over 4.3 million downloads,is finally back...RPG style! Experience a brand new story with RPGelements as you enjoy sexy happenings at shinobi school! The new"Moe! Ninja Girls RPG" will share the same world as the originalgame. Enjoy a brand new type of RPG as you read the story and fightvarious enemies alongside 15 beautiful girls! ◆What Is Moe! NinjaGirls RPG? Enjoy your school life as you raise beautiful ninjas togo into battle together. The story has multiple choices, each withthe ability to change the story! You can also get various outfitsby playing missions in the game to make our sexy ninjas evensexier! Raise the girls into strong allies as you work to upholdyour name as the Legendary Ninja! ◆About Moe! Ninja Girls RPG Knownas the Legendary Ninja, you have concealed your true identity andenrolled into Mizaki School to undertake a secret mission.Surrounded by beautiful girls, your long-awaited school lifefinally begins. Training, adventures, and of course...sexyhappenings await you! You unexpectedly form the ninja seeking cluband begin solving all kinds of mysteries, all the while finding outwho the girls you are with really are! Can you make your life as aninja and a student work? Laugh, cry, and experience your very ownninja life in Moe! Ninja Girls RPG! ◆Your Cute Girlfriends ■OkaKazamatsuri - "Of course, Master. I will always be by your side." Aninja from the same village as you, she shares your secret, andenrolls into Mizaki School to help serve you. She is pure andloyal, but can be a bit of an airhead. She has vowed to always beby your side. ■Akari Hanao - "We're in the same class! It's got tobe fate!" Your classmate at Mizaki School. Bright and cheerful, shealways has a smile on her face and brightens up the atmospherewherever she goes. Will you, too, fall in love with her smile?■Enju Saion-ji - "I-I'm not embarrassed!" She is part of thestudent council at Mizaki School, and a so-called "tsundere." Sheobjects to the formation of the ninja seeking club for some reason.Patience and persistence will be required to see the warmer side ofher. ■Beatrix Yozuki Noctiflora - "Hi, darling! Today's a wonderfulday!" A foreign exchange student who transfers to Mizaki Schoolaround the same time you do. Her love of ninja causes her tosuggest the formation of the ninja seeking club. She's alwaysincredibly energetic and eager to express her love for you. We'vealso got a variety of other girls, from a sexy senpai, the managerof the science club, ninjas from a mysterious organization, anotaku, and a clumsy kouhai, so we have something for everyone!◆We've got something for people of all tastes! ■ Do you like a bitof naughtiness, waifus, anime, games, manga, and visual novels?This game is for you! ■ Do you like anime dating sims, hentaigames, or anime story games? This game is for you! ■ Do you preferanime RPGs, anime battles, ccg, and gachas over puzzles? This gameis for you! ■ Do you like enjoying a story with a bit of ero withsexy girlfriends? This game is for you! ■ Do you like romancingpretty girls and princesses and fighting intense battles? This gameis for you! ■ If you like connecting with FREE content andexperiencing sexy happenings at ninja school, this game is for you!Wake up your inner otaku and claim your own waifu! It's all here inMoe! Ninja Girls RPG! ◆ The Official SNS - Please Follow! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: android"This app is compatible with: Android 4.4+ For the best gamingexperience, we recommend playing this app below : 1.2 Mbps downloadspeed internet Connections Devices with more than 2.2 GB of RAM"
WizardessHeart - Shall we date 2.4.7
NTT Solmare Corp.
Beautiful dating sim illustrations and captivating Otome gamemusic.
Love Tangle - Otome Anime Game 2.3.3
NTT Solmare Corp.
Beautiful dating sim illustrations and captivating Otome gamemusic.
Obey Me! Anime Otome Sim Game 6.8.0
NTT Solmare Corp.
Otome Dating Roleplay of Lovely Anime. Dating Ikemen!Otome AnimeDating Sim!
Blood in Roses - Otome Game 2.2.6
NTT Solmare Corp.
Beautiful dating sim illustrations and captivating Otome game music!
Moe! Ninja Girls/Sexy School 2.3.1
NTT Solmare Corp.
Enter the ninja anime world! Choose your own waifu in our haremstory!
ボイコネ - 小説ライブ配信アプリ -
NTT Solmare Corp.
Enjoy novels and distribution for free!
NTT Solmare Corp.
Tap the screen at the right time to take down approaching enemies.
Obey Me! Nightbringer 1.0.40
NTT Solmare Corp.
An otome game where you raise seven ikemen demon brothers to YOURliking.